ART workshops coming up
Valentine Nutcracker Workshop - $45 includes all supplies;
Friday, February 7th, 1 PM - 3:30 PM
If you thought nutcrackers were just for Christmas, you’re wrong. Join Susan Persall to make your very own unique Valentine Nutcracker for yourself or for a loved one.
Calll the MVAC Gallery at 256-571-7199 and pay in advance. Only 11 naked nutcrackers are available to b painted!
A private art workshop make a great family vacation or birthday party right here at home. Call the MVAC Gallery at 256-571-7199 to discuss details.
Calling MVAC artists - if you are interested in facilitating an art workshop in a particular art medium, please contact the MVAC Gallery at 256-571-7199. MVAC will provide 50% of the cost of any supplies and share 50% of the proceeds with the artist facilitator.
Children art workshops are free to the participants.
Summer Ladies of Leisure - July 12, 2024 - facilitated by Susan Persall
Some of the participants initially found the image daunting,, but with the help of Susan Persall, they all really liked what they painted.
This June 21st art workshop will be customized so that the participants can add pennants to the sailboards with numbers relating to a child (or grandchild, niece, or nephew) with his birth date, and the colors of the sails can be the child’s favorite colors.
Friday, February 23rd, 1-4 PM
Winter Geese Acrylic Painting with Susan Persall
Class is limited to 15 attendees. All acrylics, brushes, and canvases will be provided.
Cost is $35 per participant. Please sign up by February 20th by calling the MVAC Gallery at 256-571-7199.
Friday, January 26th, 1 - 3 PM
Glass Block Painting with Susan Persall
September 2023 - Private Marshall Medical Centers Kids Art Zone at Jules Berta Vineyard in Albertville
October TBD - Notecard Workshop with Terri Shaddox - $25 and all supplies will be provided.
Terri says this workshop is for those who just want to keep their hands into art a bit with no huge time commitment. It’s time to play with a micro pen and watercolor pencils (nope, not brushes). Very little mess, and you can bring your own choice of a topic or make it up when you get here. Practically no drawing experience is needed. Your friends will be delighted to receive an original piece of art from you!
Private Caring Hearts Teens Art Workshop - July 28 2023
Spray Paint & Spaghetti t-shirts project. One of several projects that day.
Holiday Bag Painting Workshop at Caring Hearts Thrift Store Teens & Tweens Saturday - December 10th, 9 - noon
november 11, 2022 Art Workshop at 1 - 4 PM - Santa or Snowmen in Acrylics - led by Susan Persall
Corks & Chefs 2022 aUCTION
The Child Advocacy Center children and counselors who participated in the Art Day created a collaborative art piece which was part of the live auction. This piece sold for over $1,000 which will directly supporting the Marshall County Child Advocacy Center and the vulnerable children they serve.
Beginning Acrylics Led by Susan Persall - July 15, 2022
Art Day for Teens & Tweens at Caring Hearts Thrift Store - July 23, 2022
MVAC Board Members Cyndy Simmons, Gretchen McKee, and Becky H. Scheinert facilitated an Art Day that involved some 7 different projects. Funding for the supplies came from memorial donations in memory of Betsy Brown and grant funds from Alabama State Council on the Arts.
Private Art Day for Marshall County Child Advocacy Center Clients - July 18, 2022
MVAC members who are also Art Klatsch members led the clients in creating birch trees in watercolor, ceramic coasters in alcohol inks, soap and acrylics abstract soap art, space art in spray paint, and more.
Hydrofest June 2022 - Kids’ Zone - sponsored by Marshall Medical Centers and MVAC
Face painting, cookie decorating and eating, hand fan painting, balloon animals, free-form acrylic painting, rock painting and more.
December 4th, 2021 - 10 AM - noon - Customized Holiday Gift Bags - a parent-child activity- Come custom paint your own gift bags for the holidays; bags, bows, stickers, and painting supplies will be provided. Led by Cyndy Simmons - $20 per parent/child duo (no limit to number of bags you paint)
June 2021 Art Day at Hydrofest for Children of Marshall Medical Centers Employees
Somehow the sword balloons seemed to pop a lot!
June 2021 Art Day with Child Advocacy Center
As you can see in the photos below, the children created “space art” of their own galaxies, tile coaster with unique designs, and heart designs. The heart designs will be used to create one collaborative art piece that will be auctioned at the Corks & Chefs fundraiser for Child Advocacy Center.
And at Corks & Chefs in July, this lovely collaborative art piece brought in $250 for Child Advocacy Center . It was bought by Ashley and Lindsey Walker of Rodney’s Flowers, who just happens to be an MVAC sponsor, too.
Led by Lynda Geddes and Becky Scheinert
Collaborative Art from Art Camp for Child Advocacy Center - 2020
This piece of art was auctioned off foe $400, raising funds for this important agency.
February 2020
Children’s Art Initiative Exhibit
This exhibit features young artists from The Crain Court Youth Center and Child Advocacy Center.
The children of Marshall County have created some beautiful pieces of art that will be displayed throughout February 2020. Reception is Thursday, Feb. 6th from 3:30pm - 4:30pm at the MVAC Gallery.
Child Advocacy Center Art from Art Camp auctioned at Corks & Chefs - July 2019
Innerweave, 24” wide x 20” tall
The children of the Child Advocacy Center met for Art Camp, sponsored by Mountain Valley Arts Council, in late May. They painted two abstract, acrylic paintings on watercolor paper, which they cut into strips. They wove personal pieces for themselves and shared the rest of their creation to make the art work, “Innerweave.” Bright primary colors mixed with drawings and dark tones entwine into a rich symbol of life and how we are all united. As we spend time with each other, our lives merge together to surround each other with love and support.
The primary colors in this work speak to emotions and feelings. Dark values of blue, blacks, reds and purples merge and then emerge as the sun on the right side of the art.
The solid base provides support as children reach into the world to make a difference in their lives.
The artwork was auctioned off at Corks & Chefs July 22nd, the annual fund raiser for CASA of Marshall County and Child Advocacy Center of Marshall County. Micky Gaines was the winning bidder at $500. Thank you for your generous bid, Micky!
The July 6, 2019 Watermelon in Watercolor by the Water art workshop at Riverview Campground
Thanks to our hosts, MVAC Members, Denise and Craig Cornwell, owners of Riverview Campground!
Note that an acrylics weave art piece by all the children who participated was part of the silent auction at the Corks & Chefs event July 22nd at Guntersville Town Hall. This year’s piece was auctioned off for $500 for this important agency to Marshall County children.